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16 Organic Marketing Strategies for Your Book Launch

An organic marketing strategy for your book begins at the beginning. Once you have taken a comprehensive look at organically marketing your book, and have laid the groundwork for its publication, it is time for the next phase of your marketing strategy: your book launch.

Publishing your book is a major milestone. You have brought your book from concept to actuality. This alone is a personal achievement. You have created an online presence and cultivated a community that now anticipates your book’s arrival. Consider all your hard work as rehearsals and backstage prep for the main event. It’s show time!

Here are 16 organic marketing strategies for your book launch:

  1. Create Author Pages. Create an Author website or landing page, an Author Central page on Amazon, and an Author Page on Goodreads. Be sure to include an engaging bio and photo to personalize your readers’ experience.
  2. Engage People on Social Media. Use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to connect with potential readers, share updates about your book, and build relationships. Join book groups or communities that are related to your genre and engage with readers who might be interested in your book.
  3. Continue to Create Content for Your Readership. Blog posts, articles, and social media posts related to your book’s theme or topic will attract potential readers. Share valuable insights and information that are relevant to your audience. This is known as content marketing.
  4. Cultivate Brand Evangelists. These are people who love your work and create great advertising for you through word-of-mouth advertising. Encourage your early readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads. Positive reviews can help increase your book’s visibility and attract more readers.
  5. Get Free Book Reviews. Send a review copy of your book to book bloggers reviewing books in your genre or topic. You can find book bloggers through social media, book blogging communities, and online directories of book bloggers.
  6. Guest Post. Reach out to book bloggers or influencers in your genre and offer to write a guest post for their blog. This can help you reach a wider audience and promote your book to potential readers.
  7. Get Free Press. Send your press kit to local media such as newspapers, radio stations, and local bookstores. Send to your local libraries, or request a meeting in person to discuss placing your book with them.
  8. Conduct Email Marketing. Build an email list of potential readers who have expressed interest in your book or genre. Send them regular updates, sneak peeks, and exclusive content related to your book to keep them engaged and interested.
  9. Add Your Book to Your Automatic Email Signature. Your email footer has your information. Add your book to it as another method of promotion and further your brand.
  10. Request Influencer Marketing. Identify influencers in your genre or niche who have a large following and offer them a free copy of your book in exchange for an honest review or social media post. This can help you reach a wider audience and potentially gain new readers.
  11. Conduct Interviews. Reach out to podcasts, blogs, or other media outlets that focus on your genre or niche and offer to do an interview or be a guest on their show. This can help you promote your book to a wider audience and establish yourself as an authority in your field.
  12. Participate in Book Signings and Events. Author readings or other events related to your book or genre can help you connect with potential readers in person, sign copies of your book, and potentially generate new fans and Brand Evangelicals.
  13. Reach Out to Book Clubs. Or start your own and offer your book as a reading selection. This can help you generate buzz, get feedback from readers, and potentially gain new fans.
  14. Apply for BookBub. This book discovery service introduces readers to new books and authors. The company’s editorial team selects and features free and discounted ebooks, book recommendations, articles, and updates from authors.
  15. Enter Book Contests and Awards. This can be a great way to promote your book and gain recognition. Winning or even being nominated for an award can help boost your book’s credibility, increase visibility, and attract new readers.
  16. Give Books Away. Offering giveaways is a great way to generate word-of-mouth advertising. Gift books to family and friends, critics & reviewers, and your online community.


This list is a compilation of the top 16 organic book marketing strategies you can employ, but it is by no means exhaustive. There are endless ways you can locate and connect with your target audience to create visibility and generate sales.

For more information contact us at Hansen Dyson. We are happy to discuss with you your publishing or marketing needs.

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Written by:
Meta Dyson

December 14, 2022